Saturday, October 30, 2010


Posting While Drunk. That's how I think of it when I see some of the stuff that people put out there in the comments section of the online newspaper. I wouldn't attempt to portray myself as unbiased in any particular way. I follow my own Judeo-Christian/Buddhist morality/code of ethics. That certainly shades my outlook on certain things. Rapists should all be "kneecapped", murderers should be shot in each limb at least once (Okay, so maybe not Christian, LOL) and child molester/killers should be castrated AND kneecapped. I have my own philosophy, sure. I think that adultery is between you, your God and your significant other. It's a misdemeanor in most states but, I don't think it should be. I think that stem-cell research should ABSOLUTELY be pursued with the proviso that those who opposed it not be allowed to participate in it's benefits. If you strongly disagree with FDR and his "New Deal" that created Social Security and JFK's Medicare, I think you should opt out of receiving any of those benefits.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Just a quick thought here. Voting is everyone's responsibility. It's your duty as a resident American citizen. By that I mean that if you're an American citizen and you reside in these United States of America, it's your duty and privilege to vote your conscience. Everyone should be involved in deciding their fate. That's what this is. You're deciding the fate of your family when you cast a ballot. When you don't vote, you're letting someone else decide for your family. As an Independent Thinker, I don't vote along Party lines, I vote for the candidate or issue that I believe in. I'm not a big government person, as Gerald R. Ford, who said, "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have," in an address to a joint session of Congress on August 12, 1974 made that point quite well. I don't want a government like that. I also don't want to tear everything down and start over. The Tea Party taps into a lot of anger. I understand that. Anger leads to hasty action. "Act in haste, repent at leisure." It seems to me that there are people out there that have realized the potential that a lot of angry people have and are now trying to "steer" that anger by using half-truths as a goad. I don't want to be part of a mob, personally. Mob mentality NEVER pays off except for the one that incites the riot.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First time sharing my thoughts

Well, I thought this would really be a good idea. It would allow me to vent my fears and frustrations in an open way in which I'm not always able to with my girlfriend, friends or family. My biggest frustration is trying to get others to listen to me as well as I listen to them. I try to be an outside of the box thinker but, along certain common sense lines.
Gay marriage? I don't think that is something the government should attempt to legislate. In my opinion, marriage is a religious institution. I believe in the 1st Amendment and it's admonition to keep church and state, separate. Marriage isn't something the government should stick their hand in. As far as civil unions are concerned, the government has no business trying to legislate who we as individuals should give our bodies or souls to. Civil unions should be simple, "Do you wish to live with this person? Is this who you wish to share your property with?" That's it. I'm a heterosexual male in a relationship with a heterosexual female, my blessing isn't asked for or required on this subject but, there it is.
Stay tuned for more scintillating thoughts.